Malaysia Footy 9s jumper front
There is a long history of contact between Australia and Malaysia. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Malays were involved in the pearling industry and the collection of trepang (sea slugs) off Australia’s northern coast.

Ties between Australians and Malaysians are strong, underpinned by long-standing education links, tourism and migration. There are now four Australian universities with a significant presence in Malaysia: Monash University, Swinburne University, Curtin University, and Wollongong University.

There were an estimated 174,000 Malaysian-born people living in Australia in 2018.

Have you ever wanted to pull on your national jumper and represent your country?

Playing Footy 9s gives you an opportunity to do just that! It’s a fun and exciting new sport, with both full contact (tackling) and non-contact (no tackling) options to choose from.

If you are based in Melbourne and keen to try an exciting new sport, please contact us.

Paul Medhurst

Jonathan Yan Tao Tay Footy 9s Malaysia

Jonathan Yan Tao Tay

Malaysian Tigers

Footy has helped me acclimatise to life in Australia. I’m part of a club that is inclusive and welcoming – as well as helping me develop as a player, which has given me a sense of belonging in this great country.