Qatar Footy 9s jumper front
Australia enjoys a friendly bilateral relationship with Qatar marked by strong and growing commercial links. Qatar opened an Embassy in Canberra in 2012, and Australia opened its Embassy in Doha in 2016.

Aviation links have expanded significantly in recent years. Around 3,000 Australians reside in Qatar and nearly 40,000 Australians visit Qatar annually. Research links are also strong, with 24 Australian universities undertaking collaborative projects with Qatari institutions in recent years.

Have you ever wanted to pull on your national jumper and represent your country?

Playing Footy 9s gives you an opportunity to do just that! It’s a fun and exciting new sport, with both full contact (tackling) and non-contact (no tackling) options to choose from.

If you are based in Melbourne and keen to try an exciting new sport, please contact us.