So why start a Footy 9s club?
By joining the AFI community, you will become a part of a professional network that is committed to making our great game a truly international sport.
Further, our major aim is to empower people and communities through sport. Participation in sport improves mental and physical health, enhances community well-being and brings people together.
The benefits include:
- The opportunity to create your own team and identity
- Your contact details listed on the Footy 9s website
- The flexibility to play on soccer or rugby fields
- Using existing field markings, so no need to spend countless hours marking the field
- Using existing goals, so no need to source and install goal & behind posts
- The flexibility to play contact or non-contact versions of Footy 9s
- As we grow, the opportunity to play in national and regional Footy 9s tournaments
- The opportunity to compete in international tournaments such as the World 9s
- The opportunity to be a part of history, as we seek the inclusion of Footy 9s an Olympic sport
- An emphasis on Footy, Fitness and Fun!